A Compilation of My Thoughts in No Particular Order. I am not naive enough to believe I share these thoughts with myself alone.

For my mother, 

To whom I attribute any and all of my need to write; To understand through articulation; For giving me the only avenue that allows me the ability to express. You have given me life time and time again.I would not be on this earth if not for you, in more ways than one.

For my friends, 

Who have loved and continued to love every broken version of me. Who have not made it a requirement to understand. Who have allowed me to be and explore and learn, and for proving me wrong over and over when all I can believe is that I am unlovable. For proving me wrong over and over and over when my darkness tells me I will not still be loved if I ask for what I need. Who accept, and humble, and encourage. I would not be alive if not for you.

For myself,

For the little girl that has long believed that she is not enough. For the fear of feeling and healing and being known. For the acceptance, for the craving to be seen, loved, held, supported. For the powerful woman I am becoming. For carrying La Que Sabe within me from now on. For being brave enough to collect The Bones.


(06 - 17)

I often contemplate what it means to be a writer. When in reality, the answer is simple. It is what it means to be a human. To have a deep need and desire to be seen and to feel. To want to connect with others and share this little slice of life as it is experienced uniquely through my lens. It is for no other reason than to share. To be. To experience the feeling of reading your own emotions and the awe and bewilderment in the capability of another’s understanding.

Through this, I understand, now, how to best love myself and others. I understand that vulnerability is a gift and a practiced skill, and that trusting is the bravest thing we can do in this life. I am learning to trust myself in knowing that my experience is worthy of connection and to trust others with the inner workings of my soul. This is my offering.







The Beginning




People Skills


The Shedding


On Disgust (Personal Notes)



The Return



Within My Own Home

Let’s Talk
